LibraryPublicationsConsumer understanding of nutrition labelling #2

Consumer understanding of nutrition labelling #2

01 Jun 2003

In 2003 EHN undertook a systematic review of the research on consumer understanding of nutrition labelling.

The purpose of this systematic review was to examine published and unpublished research into consumer understanding of nutrition labelling. It was undertaken in order to inform the European Heart Network’s (EHN) policy position on nutrition labelling and to provide a solid foundation for
proposals for nutrition labelling in Europe that have a consumer and public health dimension.

The objectives of the review were to assess:

  • To what extent do consumers understand and make use of nutrition labelling as currently found on food packets in Europe?
  • To what extent could consumer understanding of nutrition information be enhanced by (I) improving the format of nutrition labelling or (II) educational initiatives
  • What gaps exist in current research in this area?
  • What further research is suggested by the review and which methods would be most appropriate to address key outstanding research questions