About UsMission & Vision


The European Heart Network (EHN) is a Brussels-based alliance of foundations and associations dedicated to preventing cardiovascular diseases (CVD), representing patient interests and funding research throughout Europe.

EHN’s mission is to play a leading role, on behalf of patients and people in Europe, in promoting cardiovascular health and the prevention and reduction of cardiovascular disease, in particular heart disease and stroke, to ensure CVD is no longer a major cause of premature death and disability throughout Europe. This will be achieved through evidence-based advocacy, research promotion
networking, capacity-building, and representing patients’ and the wider public’s interest.


Every person in Europe can grow up and live in a sustainable environment that promotes cardiovascular health. Premature and preventable deaths due to cardiovascular diseases are reduced by 30% in 2030. State-of-the-art, personalised care and quality of life is accessible and attainable for those born or living with CVD.

Our guiding principles and core values

EHN is a value-driven organisation. The following principles and values underpin its work and approach.

Diversity, equity and inclusion

EHN promotes a diverse, equitable, non-violent, gender-balanced, nondiscriminatory
society. This is reflected in the way that it works and all
that it strives to achieve on behalf of Europe’s patients and people.

Independence and Transparency

EHN is a not-for-profit, non-governmental organisation independent of
political parties, commercial and other interests.
EHN’s positions and policy recommendations are based on thorough
research, facts, and best evidence. EHN strongly defends its positions,
opposing interests, views and policies that have the potential to impact
negatively on achieving its vision.
EHN is open and works in full transparency in its governance, financial
affairs and reporting.


EHN is ambitious, striving to create an environment throughout
Europe in which the healthier choice becomes the default choice for
all and which offers the best possible care and support for all patients
throughout their lives.


EHN welcomes all national organisations which fulfil the membership
criteria set out in its statutes. EHN reaches out to organisations which
have similar aims and objectives and offers to share its knowledge and
expertise in a collaborative, mutually rewarding manner.